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gdIOCtx Struct Reference

#include <gd_io.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int(* getC )(struct gdIOCtx *)
int(* getBuf )(struct gdIOCtx *, void *, int)
void(* putC )(struct gdIOCtx *, int)
int(* putBuf )(struct gdIOCtx *, const void *, int)
int(* seek )(struct gdIOCtx *, const int)
long(* tell )(struct gdIOCtx *)
void(* gd_free )(struct gdIOCtx *)

Member Data Documentation

void(* gdIOCtx::gd_free)(struct gdIOCtx *)

int(* gdIOCtx::getBuf)(struct gdIOCtx *, void *, int)

int(* gdIOCtx::getC)(struct gdIOCtx *)

int(* gdIOCtx::putBuf)(struct gdIOCtx *, const void *, int)

void(* gdIOCtx::putC)(struct gdIOCtx *, int)

int(* gdIOCtx::seek)(struct gdIOCtx *, const int)

long(* gdIOCtx::tell)(struct gdIOCtx *)

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